"Empathy is for people, not for ideas"
The Landing Site of Devin Klassen, Barrister & Solicitor
- My Location
In or Around: Vancouver, B.C., Canada
- Barrister & Solicitor, B.A. Phil, minor Poli Sci; J.D. magna cum laude
About me at a glance (by me, therefore biased)
This is the personal website for myself, clearly. I am a barrister and solicitor with a primary interest in administrative and constitutional law and a proponent of originalist interpretations of written constitutions, and a skeptic of non-written constitutions. My practice is mostly focused on litigation, appeals, and judicial reviews. While I do the occasional solicitor work I rarely do so to keep from generating conflicts. I may be fairly described as “obsessed” with ensuring private and public treatment of persons and groups is done consistently, with few (if ever) exceptions. Philosophically, I align with deontic ethics and the metaphysics of Immanuel Kant and transcendental idealism.
Favourite Legal Maxim:
Fiat justitia ruat caelum
- Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus
Languages I Speak (and those I am Learning)
Norwegian (Bokmål)
Working On:

Constitutional & Administrative Law
My primary focus for which I describe myself as a "Constitutional Irredentist".
Philosophy & Theology
Heavily influenced by Kantian metaphysics and ethics, certainty of knowledge is more important than people realize.
Talks, Podcasts, Recordings
I dabble in several things recorded, from narrating works of non-fiction to podcasts and talks.
Music & Other Media
Although lacking in muse, I do enjoy creating music and other media from time to time.